Status: Active
Tourist Haven: Axe Throwing, Bar, & Rage Room Experience! - Listing #: 54201

Listing No: BBF-966-54201  
Category :  Recreation SIC :  7929  
Detail :  Entertainment Price :  149,995  
County :  Osceola Down :  149,995  
State/Providence :  Florida Disc Earn :  58,638  
Country :  USA Sales :  249,937  

Axe Throwing Entertainment Center - Located in a High Traffic Area

Situated strategically in central Florida within a bustling tourism hub, this innovative axe throwing and entertainment company offers a unique and comprehensive experience. Their offerings include a dedicated party room for special events and gatherings that includes a bar area, along with a rage room. They have a customized build out for the axe throwing lanes equipped with full safety gear and all the necessary furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) required to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Catering to a diverse clientele, they provide exceptional and memorable experiences suitable for corporate functions, private gatherings, and local entertainment seekers. The surge in tourism and the availability of public event spaces for conventions has given the company the capability to formed partnerships with local entities, expanding their customer base. Committed to delivering both safety and tailored experiences, they accommodate a wide spectrum of occasions, from celebratory gatherings to corporate team-building events. Their competitive advantage is reinforced by a robust digital presence and a prime location. Diversified revenue streams, encompassing merchandise sales and private events, offer substantial growth potential, especially through collaborations with local businesses and attractions. The current owners are now in search of an individual to maintain their esteemed brand as the foremost destination for unique events in the thriving central Florida market. This business operates out of a 3,400 square foot commercial facility and is located in high visibility area near all the major tourist attractions. The company has annual 2022 revenues of $249,937 with annual cash flow of $58,638. Existing FFE is detailed in the report below and is estimated at $34,000. 

Documents on File :  Equipment List:  Y     Lease: Y    Corp Resolution: Y
Reason for Sale :  Retirement
General Location :  Orlando, Florida
Organization Type :  'LLC'     Hours Owner Works: 40
  : Years Established: 3  Years Owned:  3  Emp FT:  3  Emp PT:  0  Mgrs:  0
Non Compete :  Miles:  50  Years:  3  Weeks Training:  4  Cost:   $0
Operating days/hours :  5PM-9PM(Monday-Thursday) 3PM-11PM(Friday) 12PM-11PM(Weekend)
Skills/Licenses :  Beer & Wine Beverage & Tobacco License
Business :  Is Relocatable: N    Is Home Based: N    Is a Franchise: N    Is Lender P/Q: N    Should Qualify For Visa: Y

Data Source P/L Statement P/L Statement    
Year (Cash Flow) 2022 (N) 2021 (N) (N)  
Gross Revenue 249,937 180,494 0  
Cost of Goods 129,647 120,743 0  
Gross Profit 120,290 59,751 0  
Expenses 116,652 59,746 0  
Net 3,638 5 0  
Owner Salary 15,000 10,000 0  
Benefits 0 0 0  
Interest Expense 0 1,254 0  
Depreciation 0 0 0  
Other 40,000 40,000 0  
Discretionary Earnings 58,638 51,259 0  

Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 0 N*
Inventory 3,250 Y* ___________ 0 Y*
F F & E 35,000 Y* Total Assets 113,250 Y*
Leasehold 75,000 Y*

Lease/Month: 4507.83 Square Footage: 3400 Building Type: Commercial Plaza
Terms & Options: Long term lease avail. Expiration Date: 7/1/2027


  Home :  (330) 431-5676  
NAPLES, FLORIDA 34105 Email :  [email protected]  
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