Status: Under Contract
Naples Auto Service with Real Estate - Listing #: 55348

Listing No: BBF-966-55348  
   Public Pictures:   
Category :  Automotive Business Price :                     1,000,000  
Detail :  Auto General Repair Total Price w/R.E. :  2,900,000  
County :  Collier Down :  450,000  
State/Prov :  Florida Disc Earn :  363,639  
Country :  USA Sales :  1,379,768  

This Naples service shop has been around since 2006.  They specialize on AC service, Wheel alignment, transmissions, brake repair, steering issues and a lot more!  They have a very loyal and experienced staff which includes a head mechanic who has been working for this business of 15 years.  There are four other mechanics who have been there for up to 11 years and they all have enough talent to take on all jobs that come through the door.

This property is located on state road with massive traffic and good signage. The main floor contains 4925 SF and there is a loft above used for storage and inventory. The building is a free standing Steel frame metal building, built in 1991. The property is just less that 1/2 acre. (18,800SF) There is a parking lot in the front and back that has 5100 SF for plenty of parking outside.


Reason for Sale :  Retirement
General Location :  Naples, FL
Organization Type :  Corp 'Sub S'     Hours Owner Works: 40
  : Years Established: 33  Years Owned:  18  Emp FT:  7  Emp PT:  0  Mgrs:  1
Non Compete :  Miles:  5  Years:  50  Weeks Training:  4  Cost:   $0
Operating dys/hrs :  Monday-Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm
Skills/Licenses :  None
Business :  Is Relocatable: N    Is Home Based: N    Is a Franchise: N    Is Lender P/Q: Y    Should Qualify For Visa: Y

Data Source Tax Return Tax Return Tax Return  
Year (Cash Flow) 2023 (N) 2022 (N) 2021 (N)  
Gross Revenue 1,379,768 1,185,298 1,214,406  
Cost of Goods 666,269 535,940 561,766  
Gross Profit 713,499 649,358 652,640  
Expenses 623,876 604,364 666,552  
Net 89,623 44,994 -13,912  
Owner Salary 260,148 251,777 254,900  
Benefits 0 0 0  
Interest Expense 0 1,353 0  
Depreciation 121 121 121  
Other 13,747 13,626 13,670  
Discretionary Earnings 363,639 311,871 254,779  

Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 1,900,000 Y*
Inventory 10,000 Y* ___________ 0 N*
F F & E 120,000 Y* Total Assets 2,030,000 Y*
Leasehold 0 N*

Lease/Month: Square Footage: 4925 Building Type: Free Standing
Terms & Options: New long-term lease avail Expiration Date:

Lender Pre-Qualified Project Summary


Acquisition Costs Down Payment and Financing


Purchase Price 2,900,000   Down Payment 450,000
Working Capital 100,000   Loan/Assumable 0
Loan Fees 71,400   Loan/Seller 0
Closing Costs 5,000   Loan/Other 2,626,400
Total 3,076,400   Total 3,076,400





Loan/Assumable - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/Seller - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/SBA - Amt:  2,626,400  Mos: 300  Rate: 8.75  Mo Pmt: 21,592.78  

JOSEPH ALTER Office :  (855) 969-3534  
BROKER Fax :    
  Home :  (239) 849-9334  
NAPLES, FLORIDA 34105 Email :  [email protected]  
USA Home Page :