Status: New
Opportunity for Growth in the Body Image Industry - Listing #: 54570

Listing No: BBF-966-54570  
Category :  Medical Related Biz SIC :  8011  
Detail :  Medical Spa Price :  225,000  
County :  Collier Down :  225,000  
State/Prov :  Florida Disc Earn :  36,660  
Country :  USA Sales :  142,957  

The business was established in 2016 and purchased by the current owner in 2020. They provide body image treatments in their office conveniently located on a major road in SWFL. The business has a doctor on staff (at a cost of $2,000.00 per month) for licensing purposes. The owner is the only employee of the business currently but has run the business in the past with a technician. All equipment and FF&E will be included in the sale and with the purchase of the business will not need to be recertified (the cost to recertify is $35,000.00). The companies offer training for both machines so both a new owner and a staff member can be trained quicky and easily.   

The average ticket for a treatment runs $2400.00 and they charge per area to be treated. Their main source of income is new clients, but they do see repeat clients when additional treatments are needed. 

Financials are kept using QuickBooks and the owner has a CPA complete taxes and statements.


Showing Remarks :  Please provide NDA, Resume, and PFS

Reason for Sale :  Moving out of State
General Location :  SWFL
Organization Type :  'LLC'     Hours Owner Works: 40
  : Years Established: 8  Years Owned:  4  Emp FT:  0  Emp PT:  0  Mgrs:  0
Non Compete :  Miles:  150  Years:  5  Weeks Training:  2  Cost:   $0
Operating dys/hrs :  M-Sun
Skills/Licenses :  Medical License
Business :  Is Relocatable: Y    Is Home Based: N    Is a Franchise: N    Is Lender P/Q: N    Should Qualify For Visa: N

Data Source P/L Statement P/L Statement P/L Statement  
Year (Cash Flow) 2023 (N) 2022 (N) 2021 (N)  
Gross Revenue 142,957 164,052 197,191  
Cost of Goods 0 0 0  
Gross Profit 142,957 164,052 197,191  
Expenses 106,629 127,885 143,966  
Net 36,328 36,167 53,225  
Owner Salary 0 0 0  
Benefits 332 42 400  
Interest Expense 0 0 0  
Depreciation 0 2,620 148,467  
Other 0 0 0  
Discretionary Earnings 36,660 38,829 202,092  

Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 0 N*
Inventory 140 Y* ___________ 0 N*
F F & E 150,000 Y* Total Assets 150,140 Y*
Leasehold 0 N*

Lease/Month: 0 Square Footage: 350 Building Type:
Terms & Options: Expiration Date:

Loan/Assumable - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/Seller - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/Other - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  

GREGORY BELL Office :  (239) 849-9334  
  Home :    
NAPLES, FLORIDA 34105 Email :  [email protected]  
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