Status: Under Contract
High Cash Flow Pet Business in Texas - Listing #: 54718

Listing No: BBF-966-54718  
Category :  Animals/Pets SIC :  5999  
Detail :  Pet Shop Price :  4,800,000  
County :  Harris Down :  480,000  
State/Prov :  Texas Disc Earn : 1,365,582  
Country :  USA Sales :  5,471,990  

This franchised Pet store is very profitable with a good staff and an experienced manager. There is very little competition in this area.  The store focuses on selling puppies and dog-related toys, food and accessories.  Texas is one of the best locations to own a pet store, since there are new laws that protect the business model going forward.  This store is run from another state. A local Buyer could take the profits even higher if they are involved day to day.


Reason for Sale :  Other Business Interests
General Location :  Texas
Organization Type :  Corp 'C'     Hours Owner Works: 5
  : Years Established: 4  Years Owned:  4  Emp FT:  23  Emp PT:  0  Mgrs:  3
Non Compete :  Miles:  5  Years:  100  Weeks Training:  4  Cost:   $0
Operating dys/hrs :  M-F 12pm - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 10pm-8pm
Skills/Licenses :  None
Business :  Is Relocatable: N    Is Home Based: N    Is a Franchise: Y    Is Lender P/Q: Y    Should Qualify For Visa: Y

Data Source P/L Statement P/L Statement P/L Statement  
Year (Cash Flow) 2023 (N) 2022 (N) 2021 (N)  
Gross Revenue 5,471,990 6,448,318 6,750,521  
Cost of Goods 1,447,544 1,861,505 2,289,905  
Gross Profit 4,024,446 4,586,813 4,460,616  
Expenses 2,770,609 2,887,113 3,152,085  
Net 1,253,837 1,699,700 1,308,531  
Owner Salary 178,865 248,423 253,392  
Benefits 48,946 0 44,048  
Interest Expense 0 382 1,984  
Depreciation 0 0 35,005  
Other 4,318 0 0  
Discretionary Earnings 1,485,966 1,948,505 1,642,960  

Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 0 N*
Inventory 115,000 Y* ___________ 0 N*
F F & E 887,617 Y* Total Assets 1,002,617 Y*
Leasehold 0 N*

Lease/Month: 13718 Square Footage: 4500 Building Type: Shopping Center
Terms & Options: New long-term lease avail Expiration Date: 5/10/2035

Lender Pre-Qualified Project Summary


Acquisition Costs Down Payment and Financing


Purchase Price 4,800,000   Down Payment 480,000
Working Capital 70,000   Loan/Assumable 0
Loan Fees 20,000   Loan/Seller 0
Closing Costs 10,000   Loan/Other 4,100,000
Total 4,900,000   Total 4,580,000





Loan/Assumable - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/Seller - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/Other - Amt:  4,100,000  Mos: 120  Rate: 10.50  Mo Pmt: 55,323.35  

JOSEPH ALTER Office :  (855) 969-3534  
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  Home :  (239) 849-9334  
NAPLES, FLORIDA 34105 Email :  [email protected]  
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