Status: Active
Specialty Home Audio & Electric Service - Listing #: 51675

Category :  Construction SIC :  1731  
Detail :  Contractor Electric Price :  275,000  
County :   Down :  275,000  
State/Prov :  Florida Disc Earn :  120,392  
Country :  USA Sales :  277,574  

This business provides high-quality Home Theaters, Home Audio, Smart Homes, Outdoor Audio Video & Electric in Sarasota and Bradenton area. Since 1998 the business has developed an outstanding reputation for quality craftsmanship and unsurpassed service. They help their customers with design, cost savings and installation of quality home theater systems as well as offer many services to improve the efficiency of the homes electrical systems.


Should a new buyer not have the necessary licenses to operate the business, seller is willing to sponsor the business so the new buyer can continue to operate. The buyer will be required to apply and receive their own license within a timeline required by the seller and agreed upon within the contract offer. Seller will require a monthly fee for sponsorship that will be negotiated and agreed upon at the time of the contract offer or before closing.

Reason for Sale :  RETIRE
General Location :  Hottest Growing Area On West Coast of Florida
Organization Type :  'LLC'     Hours Owner Works: 40
  : Years Established: 24  Years Owned:  24  Emp FT:  1  Emp PT:  0  Mgrs:  1
Non Compete :  Miles:  250  Years:  5  Weeks Training:  4  Cost:   $0
Operating dys/hrs :  M-F 9-5
Skills/Licenses :  Electrician, Low Voltage
Business :  Is Relocatable: Y    Is Home Based: Y    Is a Franchise: N    Is Lender P/Q: N    Should Qualify For Visa: Y

Data Source Tax Return Tax Return    
Year (Cash Flow) 2021 (N) 2020 (N) (N)  
Gross Revenue 277,574 336,031 0  
Cost of Goods 136,842 183,378 0  
Gross Profit 140,732 152,653 0  
Expenses 50,340 49,381 0  
Net 90,392 103,272 0  
Owner Salary 0 0 0  
Benefits 30,000 30,000 0  
Interest Expense 0 0 0  
Depreciation 0 0 0  
Other 0 0 0  
Discretionary Earnings 120,392 133,272 0  

Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 0 N*
Inventory 10,000 Y* ___________ 0 N*
F F & E 40,000 Y* Total Assets 50,000 Y*
Leasehold 0 N*

Lease/Month: Square Footage: Building Type:
Terms & Options: Expiration Date:

Loan/Assumable - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/Seller - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  
Loan/Other - Amt:  0  Mos: 0  Rate: 0.00  Mo Pmt: 0.00  

JASON BROOKS Office :  (239) 849-9334  
  Home :    
NAPLES, FLORIDA 34105 Email :  [email protected]  
USA Home Page :